newlogo.gif       EGGS BENEDICT PIZZA

3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon hot water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 stick butter, melted and hot
Salt and pepper
1 13" uncooked dough crust
5 slices Canadian-style bacon, diced
4 eggs, beaten and seasoned with salt and pepper
6 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese

For Hollandaise sauce, put yolks, water, and lemon juice into blender and blend for 1 minute. With blender running, pour hot butter through open hole of lid. (This makes enough sauce for a second pizza or spoon extra over pizza slices.) Season with salt and pepper. Top dough crust with Hollandaise sauce, Canadian-style bacon, and cheese. Pour the beaten eggs over the cheese. (Since the raw eggs tend to run a little with movement, you may want to use a pizza screen vs. sliding the raw pizza off a pizza peel.) Bake in preheated 500°F oven on pizza stone for 8-10 minutes or until crust is golden brown and eggs are cooked. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack for 2-3 minutes before cutting into wedges and serving.